
BrainBugs develops serious games aimed at driving social impact and innovation. They establish meaningful projects in collaboration with partners dedicated to social, cultural, or educational missions, with a strong emphasis on digital well-being, media literacy, and integrity. Founded by self-taught game designers Bram Allegaert and Lennert Mottar in February 2023, BrainBugs BV collaborates with various illustrators, animators, and screenwriters on nine on-demand game projects. Co-design with partners and target groups is a crucial part of their development process. Their diverse range of projects includes games about rights and duties during police actions, tensions in public spaces, polarization and conflict de-escalation, Belgium's colonial period, an artistic literary app, and a game about misleading advertising.

At the end of 2023, BrainBugs launched their most ambitious project yet: Robots, Puppies & Aliens, an extensive serious game about AI and ethics for education, supported by VAF. With their original modular approach and passion for societal issues, BrainBugs continues to push the boundaries of digital game design potential in various learning contexts. Their clients and direct partners include, among others: the City of Ghent, youth organizations JES and Bataljong, BELvue Museum, the VGC, the Department of Culture, Media and Youth of the Flemish Government, VDAB, Ghent University, J.E.F, Mediawijs, imec, VONK & Zonen, and several schools.